-Water Quality-
Lake Health

Eagle Lake has been monitored for decades by volunteers, the DNR and several contracted sampling projects. In the 1990's, volunteers began monitoring water clarity with a black and white Secchi disk for readings. Volunteers are the source of the majority of Wisconsin's lake water quality data, and their dedication is greatly appreciated.
In 2016, the DNR added Eagle Lake to the Impaired Waters list for the State of Wisconsin. This is mainly due to very high nutrient levels and poor quality of run-off the lake receives from the agricultural watershed.
In 2018, the ELMD resumed annual water quality data with help from DNR surface water grants and the CLMN program (Citizens Lake Monitoring Network). Now, water clarity is again being documented on a routine schedule. In addition, Phosphorus & Chlorophyll samples have been added to collection efforts.
Reports and graphs featuring data collected by volunteers, DNR staff and others can be viewed below.
(The picture shows a significant algae bloom in Eagle Lake)