The Eagle Lake Management District works effortlessly to maintain Eagle Lake while creating an ideal environment for lake goers. From early June and into early fall, workers hired by the ELMD work weekdays to harvest invasive
and nuisance lake weeds. The ELMD also has a shoreline crew which can assist shoreline owners with removal of floating invasives that may accumulate during the harvesting season.
The Management District operates two harvesters and one transporter. Workers maneuver the harvester to cut and collect weeds in problem areas around the lake. Harvesting efforts are approved by the DNR and follows an approved harvesting plan & map. The harvesters off-load the collected weeds at shore conveyor sites. Then, the weeds are trucked away where they are used for agricultural mulch and fertilizer.
Harvesting can also be carried out in specific areas around docks and also with creating boating lanes
that help with navigation.
These areas are subject to ever changing conditions and the DNR approved lake management plan.
Harvesting Pictures
Summer Weed Crew Employment
Every summer the Eagle Lake Management District employs a seasonal weed crew made up of High School and College age students. The weed crew has various tasks like collecting floating weeds from owners shorelines, helping off-load weed harvesters at shore conveyor locations, dumping harvested weed loads, helping with maintenance of larger equipment and removing invasive purple loosestrife plants.
If you like working outside you could be earning money on a lake this summer!
Contact the Lake District for more details
Harvesting Priority Map / Lake Mgt Plan