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-Clean Boats Clean waters-

What is Clean Boats clean waters?

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The Clean Boats Clean Waters program, or CBCW, is a Watercraft Inspections Program. Besides boats, owners of wave runners, paddle boards, kayaks and sailboats, etc. are just as responsible for cleaning their equipment. 


CBCW operates typically on weekends, during the summer months, to help prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species (AIS) into and out of our lake.  This program is run by the Eagle Lake Management District, Eagle Lake Improvement Association and mostly funded through a DNR surface waters grant.


Paid staff educate boaters on how and where invasive species are most likely to hitch a ride into water bodies.  They perform boat and trailer checks, survey boaters regarding their boating habits and knowledge of AIS, distribute informational brochures, collect and report suspect specimens and enter collected data into a state-wide Dept. of Natural Resources (DNR) database. On weekends a power washer is available to help boaters clean off trailers & equipment.


 While we already have many challenges with weeds, this program has to date prevented other species from entering our lake.


Both public launches on Eagle Lake have tools to assist boat owners in removing aquatic vegetation. 

Did you 2023 over 154,000 boats were inspected by CBCW workers around the state!

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